Friday, December 28, 2007

Getting Rid of Toys

"DECLUTTERING TOYS AND MORE (12/16/97)The day before you open presents is a great time to pull out toys that need to be thrown away or taken to Goodwill. W/ the new toys coming in, the kids usually don't even notice when you pull things that are broken or they don't play with anymore. If you have young children, do it the nightbefore you go to bed. W/ older children give them a grocery bag & ask them to fill it with things they don't want any more. Offer the kids $2 for the first bag they fill, and $1 for every bag after that, you'd be surprised what they might get rid of. In most homes this wouldn't be difficult at all. For some kids having them do it after they open presents might be a little easier, it just depends on the kids. And before you ship things off to Goodwill, look a little closer to home, does your church nursery need some of those toys, could the church kitchen use the appliance that you never use?? POST IT...on your calendar."



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